The ROOT Prime Subscription (RPS) Coupon Codes are added to your ROOT Account after your RPS Cycle of four consecutive orders is completed.
An automated email is generated as soon as the RPS Coupon Codes are added to your ROOT Account, including the coupon codes that can later be used for regular orders.
The same email includes a link that you can use to access your RPS Coupon Codes, as long as you are logged in your ROOT Account with your current browser session.
To access your Coupon Codes, you will have to access your ROOT Account. To access your Coupon Codes, find the My Account menu in the main menu , and once redirected proceed by using the button Coupon Codes. The coupon codes that are active will be listed there and are available to use for your regular orders.
Coupon Codes used for regular orders can be combined with Shipping Tokens for Regular Orders, resulting in free/discounted shipping.
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